
Portfolio Item 31: MOOC (31)

  Cybersecurity , cybersecurity or information technology security is the protection of computer systems and networks from the theft of or damage to their hardware, software, or electronic data, as well as from the disruption or misdirection of the services they provide. I chose this course because it really helps with my career it keeps the internet safe from hackers or anyone trying to steal or hack into your personal accounts this course will give you the knowledge of how to deal with the hackers.

Portfolio Item 31: MOOC (31)

  Power Bi is a  analytics tool developed by Microsoft that turns your bits of unstructured data into a visually compelling story. It consists of the Power BI Desktop, the SaaS Power BI Service, and a range of mobile apps (iOS and Android compatible). These tools take big data and help your business or organization ask the right questions and receive actionable insights. That is what that course shows you. It is great for a business because it will greatly be needed. Microsoft Power BI is one of the most robust business intelligence platforms available for data modeling . It uses real-time Power BI dashboards to sort through and present data from multiple sources, giving businesses a better handle on their customers, operations, and future. Proficiency in Power BI and DAX allows you to create real value for a business, not just gather the numbers. Proficiency in Power BI and DAX allows you to create real value for a business, not just gather the numbers. Whether it's a simple Excel
The first course is very interesting to me because It has to do with masters investigation and that is in the criminal justice field. That is what makes it so interesting. In the second screenshot its linked in members who are teaching different courses that are very interesting like one of them is teaching a course about software of google.
       Blog Journal 10          When it comes to using data collection in my field it is used a lot. My field is criminal justice and law enforcement uses data collection to determine crimes and how many crimes have been committed . Data collection is used very often in my field just because it helps keep track of crime rates world wide. A lot of the crimes and the weapons that is used to commit a crime is dotted down and over time we use those data collection to look back and see if it has gotten worse or better.      What I found interesting from reviewing my classmates blogs were that a bunch of them had really cool designs on their blogs. They each had cool effects as well and a bunch of interesting features. There was one blog were it had a bunch of pictures and cool quotes on the page and once you would comment under there blog it would be a different color and it just made it very cool. There was also very interesting topics on different fields and just different information in
 Blog Journal 9          As a distanced learner this semester the experience has been alright because everything has been online. The learning is still there but it affects the teachers because they can not really teach a lesson online because some students may be doing something else due to the fact that some are not on camera. At first I felt very overwhelmed because I had a bunch of assignments and I did not know if I would miss a certain assignment. For the future I would make the classes very interesting by doing learning games and making the class fun due to the fact that I know most of my students stress about other classes and would not want to make them feel overwhelmed. Also showing the kids that I care about them and making my class seem fun but at the same time learning.            Educational resources can help a lot especially students and teachers because if a teacher ever needs some references om how to teach a certain lesson the educational resource would be there to h
                                                          Blog Journal  8       After working on the web design it helped me learn new things and improve on some new skills. The best thing was that I was able to create my own page as if I had a class and that made the assignment very fun. A skill I mastered was making a hyperlink and making it open in a new window it took me a few tries but I ended up being a master at it.    When it came to using Diigo one of the skills that I mastered was making annotations and learning how to add a note to the ending of the paragraph. Diigo showed me how to use google chrome and the other types of materials provided by google. It really showed me how to highlight information then move it and it already pastes into its own little chat box.     When it comes to technology it can either be good or bad for teacher development. The reason I say that is because some teachers would just use to much technology and would use it t
                          Blog 7            After viewing a teachers page from Peters Township School District. The teacher had her schedule up on the website as long as her different classes with their assignments and when things are due. Also she also posted up her contact information so that her students can contact her when they need assistance or anything in general. After viewing each class page, most of the classes have different goals that they are trying to receive.       When it comes to me teaching what I would want to use to foster my learning is to make sure everyone has a computer and knows how to use it because during class they can uses the computer to search up examples of a question or write there notes through a word doc. It would help me be professional because the kids would be able to write there notes neatly and be able to search certain information in the computer to help them find a way to understand it better